Research Assistantships Initiative
Opens 29 Jul 2024 11:59 AM (ADT)
Deadline 9 Oct 2024 11:59 AM (ADT)


The RAI provides applied researchers with funding they need to hire undergraduate and graduate student research assistants. Graduate Research Assistantships are awarded at $15,000 each. Undergraduate Research Assistantships are $7,500 each. RAI funds can be used to top up other funding sources and can be allocated to one or more students. Funding is advanced to the college or university first, and then paid out to the student(s) in the form of a salary, award, or stipend.


All eligible principal investigators at one of the previously approved universities, research institutions, community colleges or one of the two NB health authorities can apply. 

Eligible Expenses:

Eligible expenses include student stipends of up to $7,500 per undergraduate, and up to $15,000 per graduate. A maximum of up to $45,000 may be requested in each application. Applicants may submit only one application this round.

Application Procedure:

Submit applications via the ResearchNB Application portal. Submission timelines will vary from year to year with this fiscal's round opening in July and closing in October. Notices of decision (NOD) will be sent the institution’s research administration office and the applicant following review in early December. Annual budgeting for this program is subject to change.

Award Duration and Reporting:

Applicants awarded a 1-year grant will be required to submit a final report 3 months following the project end date (determined based off of the indicated project start date). Applicants awarded a 2-year award will be required to submit an interim report 1 year into the project, and a final report 3 months following the project end date (determined based off of the indicated project start date).

Evaluation Criteria:

See upload linked here.

Fund Manager: Alec Manley (


Research Assistantships Initiative


The RAI provides applied researchers with funding they need to hire undergraduate and graduate student research assistants. Graduate Research Assistantships are awarded at $15,000 each. Undergraduate Research Assistantships are $7,500 each. RAI funds can be used to top up other funding sources and can be allocated to one or more students. Funding is advanced to the college or university first, and then paid out to the student(s) in the form of a salary, award, or stipend.


All eligible principal investigators at one of the previously approved universities, research institutions, community colleges or one of the two NB health authorities can apply. 

Eligible Expenses:

Eligible expenses include student stipends of up to $7,500 per undergraduate, and up to $15,000 per graduate. A maximum of up to $45,000 may be requested in each application. Applicants may submit only one application this round.

Application Procedure:

Submit applications via the ResearchNB Application portal. Submission timelines will vary from year to year with this fiscal's round opening in July and closing in October. Notices of decision (NOD) will be sent the institution’s research administration office and the applicant following review in early December. Annual budgeting for this program is subject to change.

Award Duration and Reporting:

Applicants awarded a 1-year grant will be required to submit a final report 3 months following the project end date (determined based off of the indicated project start date). Applicants awarded a 2-year award will be required to submit an interim report 1 year into the project, and a final report 3 months following the project end date (determined based off of the indicated project start date).

Evaluation Criteria:

See upload linked here.

Fund Manager: Alec Manley (

29 Jul 2024 11:59 AM (ADT)
9 Oct 2024 11:59 AM (ADT)

Student Development